We’ve been constructing retirement portfolios for over 20 years
Why choose Forty Seven
We specialise in retirement planning. That’s what we have done for over two decades and what we do every day for our clients.
We are not licensed or owned by any bank, superannuation fund, insurance company or any other product provider. We are self licensed through ASIC.
Our advisers are all degree qualified with additional qualifications.
We are a West Australian family practice.
We can refer you to a lawyer and accountant and work with them to help you with your wills and tax.
We are members of the Financial Advice Association of Australia. Australia’s largest industry association.
We have been sought after by numerous media publications around Australia for comment on financial matters.
We have designed and built our own award winning financial planning software which is now used by advisers across Australia.
Investing in retirement has its own unique requirements and our investment portfolios have been custom designed with external research providers specifically for pre retirees and retirees.
Our comprehensive ongoing advice will help provide you with the peace of mind knowing you are on track to achieve your retirement goals.
Our Investment Approach
First, we ensure your investments are invested across regions, asset classes and securities.
sequencing risk
History tells us that markets do not always go up. In some years,
they go down. The timing of when your portfolio drops can have a
critical impact on whether your capital can last the distance.
Your portfolio could experience negative returns during the early
years of your retirement when your portfolio is typically at its most
vulnerable. Investing for retirement requires a different approach to
counter market sequencing risk.

Forty Seven Financial Pty Ltd Trading As Forty Seven Financial Planning is a corporate authorised representative of Forty Seven Group Pty Ltd ABN 35 166 576 450, Australian Financial Services Licence Number 506053